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Graco DuoGlider: Is it Safe for Sleep?

Wendy Turner
s the Graco DuoGlider Safe for Sleep?

Putting fussy babies to sleep is something that takes a lot of effort for sure. If you are a parent looking for a way to make this tiresome task a tad bit easier, we are sure you must have come across the very common opinion- put your baby to sleep in a swing or a rocking stroller. But is it really safe?

The Graco DuoGlider is one of the top-rated swing-sliders and is liked by almost all the parents who have bought it for their infants. However, the question of the hour is- Is the Graco DuoGlider safe for sleep? In this article, we explore all the great features of this swing slider set, along with answering the question. We explore all the practical and fact-based aspects to answer these questions. Keep reading to find out.

What Exactly is the Graco DuoGlider?

The Graco DuoGlider is a swing slider set that creates a safe and comfortable spot for your child to rest in. It comes cushioned and reclines into a rocker with one-hand motion, giving your baby a soothing swing set to relax in. There are several features in this swing-slider set that we love.

In this section, we explore all of those options and see if it is a good buy.

What Exactly is the Graco DuoGlider?

1. Adjustable Seat Positioning

One of the best features of the Graco DuoGlider is that it has adjustable seat positioning. It is an upright position that gives your baby just the right posture to engage and play when they are awake. Then, we have an intermediate recline position, where the head is elevated, but the body gets to rest without feeling uncomfortable. And lastly, we have the near-flat position that serves as a cradle for the baby that helps them fall asleep.

2. The Gliding Motion

Bringing the essence of the nursery glider chair, the Graco DuoFGlider offers gentle gliding motion. This gives them a soothing movement, and your baby feels like they are being held and rocked to sleep. It helps calm the infants and lets them relax better.

3. Different Speed

All children are different. So, this Graco DuoGlider also comes with multiple speeds. Since every child has their own preference for the sleep they want to be rocked in, this swing-slider is very adaptable, rocking only at the child’s speed.

4. Soothing Vibrations

Along with rocking the baby gently, the Graco DuoGlider also comes with soothing vibration settings. This adds another layer of comfort and gives them a rhythmic sensation that relaxes the baby.

5. Entertaining the Baby

While the Graco DuoGlider is great for relaxing the baby, this isn’t all it does. This swinger-slider set has multiple entertainment options, too. For instance, it offers 10 melodic tunes and 5 natural sounds that help with your baby’s auditory engagement. You can start the white noise and let your baby relax while being entertained. The slider also comes with a plush mobile with delightful toys that capture the baby’s attention while keeping them engaged at all times.

6. Battery and Power Supply

You might have 100 problems in your life, but keeping the Graco DuoGlider powered isn’t one of them. It offers flexibility when it comes to keeping this swinger-slider powered. You get the option of either using batteries or plugging into a switchboard. This ensures that you can place this slider anywhere you move around the house without being concerned about the power sources.

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7. Safety and Security

As a parent, one of the things that you will 100% look for in a swing slider set is the safety of your child. This Graco DuoGlider checks all the boxes in that respect. It has a 3-point harness system with mesh sides. They make sure that the baby remains secure and comfortable in the swing, making it great to lay your baby in.

8. A Timer Function

Another great feature of the Graco Duoglider is how efficient it is. The swing in this slider-swing set comes with a timer, which allows for optimizing the battery life. However, that isn’t all that it does. This feature pre-defines the time for the swing to rock and stops the slider set from unnecessarily draining the battery.

9. Durability

Along with all the amazing features, this is a rocker slider set that can accommodate babies of different weights. Starting from 5.5 to 30 pounds, this slider can accommodate babies of different weights. It is durable and comes in very handy for at least the first year of the baby’s life.

10. Washable Insert

Having a baby play and relax in the Graco Duoglider can be messy. Babies can make messes pretty fast. All of this can become a big hassle. However, since the Graco swing-slider set comes with a removable- washable insert, it is easy to clean. This makes sure that your baby is sleeping in a clean, hygienic place.

11. Affordability

The last feature, which also makes it a very important factor when you are buying this Graco Duoglider, is the price of it. This is generally a very important deciding factor for most people. The good news is the Graco Duoglider is comparatively affordable. When compared to higher-end models with similar features, the Graco sits very well in the price range.

Now that we know all the amazing features the Graco Duoglider poses let’s address the elephant in the room. Even after having all of these great features, is Graco DuoGlider safe for sleep? In the next section, we answer just that question. Let’s find out.

Is the Graco Duo Glider Safe for Sleep?

Is the Graco Duo Glider Safe for Sleep?

When the Graco DuoGlider was first launched in 2019, it was called the “Graco DreamGlider Gliding Seat and Sleeper,” which became the talk of the town. Many parents believed that this swing slider was finally the answer to all their “putting the fussy babies to sleep problems.” However, on diving deeper into this section, we found the answer to “Is Graco DuoGlider Safe For Sleep?” Keep reading to find out.

The simple answer to the much-asked question- Is the Graco DuoGlider Safe For Sleep? NO! Regardless of what the marketing of the swing-slider set claims, this Graco DuoGlider is not safe for sleep.

While The Graco Duoglider features very relaxing features like the transitional seat that gives the child a comfortable and soothing place and a seat that can be transitioned into different positions, including a flat position, this flat is not completely flat but almost flat. Not only that, the Graco DuoGlider is padded and contoured in different places, has harnesses and straps, is inclined, and does not meet federal safety standards that would let your infant sleep.

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You must remember that this swing slider is not meant for unsupervised sleep. While it is great for short-term resting space, it is not safe to let your child sleep in it. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that infants should sleep on a firm, flat surface, like a crib, without loose bedding or pillows. However, this slider is not firm or gives children flat surfaces.

Yes, the Graco DreamGlider offers great comfort and support for the child, but we would still suggest you follow safe sleep practices. However, this slider is a great place to let your child have fun when they are awake.

Risks Involved if You Let Your Baby Sleep in The Graco Duo Glider

Risks Involved if You Let Your Baby Sleep in The Graco Duo Glider .jpg

If you let your baby sleep in the Graco DuoGlider, there are a number of risks involved there. These include the following.

1. Rebreathing the Carbon Dioxide

Since the Graco DuoGlider is contoured and padded in all places, when your baby turns their head into that side, it can very easily re-breathe the exhaled carbon dioxide. This will lead to the oxygen level dropping, putting your baby at risk.

2. Positional Asphyxia

Positional Asphyxia is a very common problem in infants. It is a condition when the babies cannot breathe because the position of their body blocks their airway, causing them to have decreased oxygen levels. When placed at an include, like the Graco DuoGlider, a baby’s head can slip forward, cutting off their airway, which can also lead to suffocation.

3. Exacerbating When The Swing is in Motion

The vibrations of the Graco DuoGlider help the baby go into deep sleep, but it can also be a hazard. It is a natural response that when babies feel like they are in danger when in sleep, they would wake up because of the stressors’ response. However, when they are being lulled to sleep, they might get confused and continue sleeping. This could be very dangerous for a baby.

For instance, suppose the baby is in deep sleep, and they turn their head into the contoured cushion of the swing. They do not get enough fresh oxygen. Generally, the baby would wake up in such an instance. However, if the swing continues to rock them into deeper sleep, the baby won’t wake up, and their oxygen level might drop very low.

4. Strangulation Risk

Since the Graco DuoGlider has straps that are useful for keeping the baby safe, they might become a hazard when the baby sleeps. They can get strangled in these buckles and straps, which can be very dangerous.

What to Do if Your Child Has Fallen Asleep in the Graco Duoglider?

What to Do if Your Child Has Fallen Asleep in the Graco Duoglider?

It is common for infants to fall asleep in the Graco Duoglider. Given how gently it rocks the baby, it is possible that they might fall asleep when they are relaxed enough. Whenever this happens, it is important to move the child from this swing-slider and shift them to a more comfortable and safe bedding. If you are wondering what exactly is safe bedding for an infant, here is a list of things that you must keep in mind.

  • Put your baby in a safe crib or bassinet: It is important to put your baby to sleep in a crib or a bassinet with firm bedding. While the AAP suggests sharing the room with the baby, never share the bed with them. Adult beds are not so safe for infants.
  • Make sure the baby’s bassinet or cribs meet all the safety standards.
  • Keep away all the stranglers: Anything lost can become a strangler for a baby. Make sure you keep all the unnecessary toys, blankets, and towels away from the baby when they are sleeping. This reduces the breathing hazards, keeping the baby safe when they are sleeping.
  • The sleeping place has four walls to protect the baby. This can be anything, like the side rails that stop the baby from rolling and falling down. However, make sure they don’t have drop side rails because babies can get stuck in the rails and even choke.
  • Do not use a sleep positioner: These are very famous in the market, but make sure you do not use a sleep positioner for your baby. This can very easily suffocate your baby. So, make sure you don’t use any of those.
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The Final Verdict

Concluding this, we can safely say that we have answered the very confusing question of- “Is the Graco DuoGlider Safe for Sleep?” The answer to that question is- No; the Graco DuoGlider is unsafe for sleep. Not just sleep, it is not safe for naps even. However, this stroller is not completely a bad idea.

While it is not safe to let your child sleep in it, you can still let them have fun and relax in this stroller while they are awake. The Graco DuoGlider comes with a number of features that are great for any child. However, what you do have to keep in mind is that you have to be very careful when you are using it.

If used with precaution, this one is a great swing-slider to get for your baby.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Safest Bed for a Newborn?

Using a firm, flat, waterproof mattress that is in good condition makes it the safest bed for your newborn. With that, also make sure that your baby’s head is uncovered. If you cover them with a blanket, tuck them no higher than their shoulders.

What are the Safe Sleep Guidelines for Babies?

There are a few sleep guidelines for babies to sleep safely. These include- placing infants on their backs in their own spaces. Use a crib, bassinet, or a portable play yard with a firm mattress; avoid getting the baby to sleep on the couch or an armchair.

Wendy Turner
Wendy Turner

As a certified pediatric nurse with a Master's in Nursing from Johns Hopkins University, Wendy Turner has enriched various content since 2018. She also holds a PhD in Developmental Psychology from Yale University. Her focus is on sleep training and creating effective bedtime routines for children. She also conducts groundbreaking studies on child sleep patterns. Wendy is a children's book author in her spare time, focusing on stories that soothe and prepare children for sleep.

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