Phong Nha Ke Bang is the most unique types of forests in Vietnam and the world.
Phong Nha-Ke Bang is a protected area coverage and the rate of primary forest in the area’s largest nature reserve in Vietnam. The abundance of geomorphology has been created for Phong Nha-Ke Bang 15 broad habitat types, with 10 vegetation types have been identified important; forest coverage here has reached 93.57%; in which forest area reached 83.74%.
There are many special habitats, most notably as the forest habitat-relatively pristine natural limestone over an area of 71,000 ha, accounting for 82% of forest area Phong Nha-Ke Bang. In particular, there exist type of tropical evergreen forest on limestone mountains at an altitude of 700 meters with a total area of 22,500 ha. This is the most unique types of forests in Vietnam and the world, in which Forest Green Technology is defined as new and endemic species on limestone mountains of Vietnam, is considered unique types of forests worldwide importance special importance to the global.